Tatiana Castro



How does it work?

Quantum Constellations are a type of Systemic Family Psychotherapy developed by the German psychoanalyst Bert Hellinger. This Therapy differs from others by its extreme speed. In a Quantum Constellations, those dynamics of the family system and of the client’s life that have not been seen clearly come to light because they may come from generational difficulties or situations that occurred in the life of the client and that prevent a natural flow in their various areas, such as emotional and couple, family, economic, work and even health.

It is said that 70% of the psychological problems that affect us all come from our family history and relationship. The child, out of blind love, adopts reactions and bears burdens that will make life difficult for him as an adult. Quantum Constellations quickly brings to light the dynamic that causes suffering and, given the right circumstances, corrects it on the spot.


It is surprising how many problems have a systemic root. In fact, the vast majority of our day-to-day problems. That is why, after having a first Constellation to solve their most pressing problem, most people immediately want to use Quantum Constellations to work on other issues, whether personal, relationship, or work.

A good tip to determine what your main personal problem is, which can be addressed with Quantum Constellations, is to see what has systematically caused you suffering throughout your life. Aggressiveness, health or affective problems, problems with the opposite sex or with the family, in relationships with others, could be examples of this. In particular, it is clearly denoted if you often use phrases such as “I always…” (eg: “I always boycott myself when I am going to be successful, or when I have a good relationship with a partner”, “I have always had problems with my father”) or “I never…” (eg: “I never choose the right partner”).


  • Relationship problems (current, ex-partner, “I never find the right one”,…)
    problems with children
  • Relationship problems with the opposite sex
    Problems with parents or siblings
  • Difficulties in relationships with other people
  • Loss and bereavement – Overcoming tragic events
  • Guidance in times of change
  • Addictions (drugs, tobacco, alcohol…)
  • Diseases and other physical problems (when the cause is systemic)
  • Difficult destinations (premature deaths, abortions, murders, prisoners…)
    sexual abuse
  • Self-boycott to avoid economic, professional, or personal success
  • Support for making important decisions (changes of residence, profession, partner, etc.)
  • Personal difficulties: Self-confidence, adaptation processes to new situations or life stages: retirement, separations and divorce, unemployment…
  • Other topics (not getting pregnant, adoption, inheritance scams, suicidal tendencies, anorexia, bulimia, sexual problems…)


  • Workplace problems
  • Choice or change of profession or employment
  • Advice on professional projects (self-employed, entrepreneurs)
  • Organizational or Management problems in companies (Organizational Constellations)
  • Problems in the company (Labor and Organizational Constellations)


I have carried out Life Coaching and Business Coaching techniques for more than fifteen years and for more than ten years I have been using this therapeutic tool as a complement to help in the search for business and personal solutions. Putting into practice my training in Quantum Constellations together with Joan Garriga at the Gestalt Institute in Barcelona, Brigitte Champetier de Ribes at the Inconsfa Institute in Madrid.

As well as my studies and certification as a Management Coach at the University of La Sabana and as a Life Coach at Coaching Hall International, being for several years an active member of the ICF (International Coaching Federation), Latin America chapter.

The working method is based on an individual session in which during the process the problem that afflicts the person is treated. The scope of the work is not limited to the person who has made his Quantum Constellations, but also to his family system or business system, since when an element of the system moves, they all relocate in turn, finding a better balance.

Driving experience